I had to remove Sandkings mp3s from the webpage, because my dad got pissed off (it's actually his website, I just use the space). Clearly he doesn't like it when someone he doesn't know uses his website.

Anyway. I had to remove all the MP3s from the Sandkings website (luckily the pages are still on, because they're not using that much from the space) and now I need a space to put them on. I know there's these all kinds of YouSendIt, MegaShares, OxyShares etc. but they have their limits (for example they remove the stuff in specific time like in 30 days) and bad sides.
I am willing to send MP3s via MSN (my address is on my profile) or put at least one MP3 on the website, but many people expects to get a new/different mp3s so it would be hard to keep it up.
So any ideas? Where to put the mp3s? Not maybe all of them, but some (and then change them like every month).