Hey BZoo Fans,
I'm back from a short break I was having over the festive period. I hope you all had Happy Holidays (Merry Christmas, as I prefer to say), and had a great new year. Didn't get too drunk at parties right?

Sorry for not creating a message before disappearing off for a few days. I'll be sure to inform you first in future

Just to keep you updated on the BZoo Online site, there isn't anything lined up for the near future. I haven't yet heard from Hub Records so I can't organized another Q&A session yet. I'll let you know the moment I receive any contact from them.
There might be a few minor updated in regards to site coding, but that's not something you're really going to notice. Wish I had some more exciting news to tell you. Let's keep our fingers crossed we'll get more news on the new album soon.
Best wishes to you all for 2006!
// Chris